About Me!

Paul A. Perry, III

As a kid growing up in the early 2000’s, I was surrounded by an era of change. The world was shifting out of the 90’s and trying to find the new trends of this new century (Preferably, without Purple Heinz Ketchup). For me, I was caught dead in the middle of this changing of the guards, getting all the old reruns of the hit 90’s shows and enjoying all the new of the 2000’s, and where I found myself absorbing all this the most was right in front of my television set.

Disney Channel, Nickelodeon and, best of all, Cartoon Network were the channels I frequented as a kid in 2005. It was an era in media that was so explorative with it’s presentations, formats, story telling and most importantly, acting, both with voice acting and live action acting. Seeing these actors and actresses portray such wild and creative characters was so amazing to me as a kid, it blew my mind even further when I found out that it was REAL people behind the cartoon characters I loved watching everyday after school.

My siblings and I would always be acting out scenes from our favorite shows, alien fights from Ben 10, a spy chase from Codename: Kids Next Door, or just pretending there was Pokemon just roaming around our backyard. That’s really how it all starts for us, right? We start acting things out as kids and as we grow older we decide we want to try peruse that as a career? Well I did, that’s for sure, and in 2018 when I began going to a local college I began my voice acting career at their radio station club.

During my time there, I learned the basics on how to operate a mic, audio recording software (adobe ftw!) and most importantly, how to not sound stupid over live radio and to get a “radio voice” . I hosted 2 shows and joined the other students shows regularly for the 2 1/2 years I was attending school there. As we all know however, in early 2020, COVID-19 struck and I was homebound, unable to attend my classes that were otherwise 40 minutes away. I was still able to pass that semester, but I became very limited in my ability to be on the radio station at my college, so after doing some digging around, I was able to find online voice acting classes and began immediately.